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Leak Detection in Aluminum Foil Drink Pouches
The T4000-Dual Sensor Compression system fi nds and rejects leaking and damaged fl exible bottles at production line speeds up to 250 feet per minute. The system is designed with dual parallel belts suspended over the customers’ existing conveying system. As the container passes through the system, the dual parallel belts apply force to the sidewall of the container. This action compresses the headspace of the container which allows a comparative measurement to be taken at both the infeed and the discharge of the system. Comparing the container to itself between the infeed and discharge of the system, eliminates typical variations seen in the production environment (Fill Level, Product Temperature, and Container Density). Utilizing advanced DSP technology the T4000 controller analyzes the comparative measurement and assigns a merit value to each container. If the merit value is outside of the acceptable range, a reject signal activates a remote reject system.